Must-Know Information About Metabolism

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The person in the street is not bothered about the process of metabolism or thinks about how energy is generated to keep the body active. However, having some information about metabolism can help one to overcome certain health issues as and when required. Moreover, doctors, students, and researchers are well-educated about metabolism and associated details. Inquiring about it at the right place can help one make an informed decision vis-a-vis health matters.

Important information about metabolism

Well, no one can claim to know enough about metabolism. On the contrary, the subject is vast with the professionals and scholars merely being able to skim the surface. Additionally, most professionals tend to look at metabolism from a particular perspective. You do not have to be a doctor or a medical student to learn about metabolism either. You will be able to know just enough to use your metabolic rate or recognize health issues once you become aware of the following:-

First things first though. You must know the meaning of metabolism before trying to gather more information. It is interesting to know that metabolism is an incredibly complex biochemical reaction that goes on within the body. You will not be able to stop metabolism as it continues even if you are resting or asleep. The basic procedure releases energy from the food that you eat. Oxygen combines with the calories you consume to generate energy that is used to fuel your body. 

What is metabolism used for?

The energy produced by the metabolism of food is used for the following activities:-

  • Breathing
  • Circulation of blood
  • Digestion of food
  • Growing and repairing damaged body cells
  • Maintaining hormonal balance
  • Regulation of body temperature

It is important to remember that your body will keep functioning for 24 hours no matter whether you are asleep or awake. 

Significance of BMR

The basal metabolic rate is depicted by the acronym BMR. It refers to the energy needed for bodily functions when you are at rest. The BMR is variable and depends on several factors. It is interesting to know that your BMR will provide 60% to 70% of the energy required by your body. The BMR also maintains balance for you and will decrease drastically when you attempt to crash dieting or try to starve. The body will restore balance as you will find that your effort at reducing weight hits a plateau when your BMR is low.

You remain physically active for a major part of the day. The energy that is left behind after the bodily functions are taken care of is used to fuel your activities.

Weight Loss & Metabolism

It would be foolhardy of you to restrict calorie intake drastically. Remember that you may be born with a fast or slow metabolism. Unfortunately, you do not have too much control over it. Simply speeding up your metabolism will not make you lean and thin either. 

You cannot claim complete information about metabolism without learning about various metabolic disorders arising out of hormonal imbalance and other factors. Surprisingly, some disorders are inherited too.